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WiT Japan & North Asia is the Tokyo-based edition of the Web in Travel (WiT) conference first launched in Singapore in 2005.


It was launched in Tokyo with co-founders, Kei Shibata and Aya Aso, in 2012 to act as a bridge between Japan & North Asia and the rest of the world to unearth and share the latest innovations and trends happening in travel technology, distribution and marketing in one of the world’s most dynamic and biggest travel markets.


Its objective is to showcase the dynamism and diversity of the Japanese & North Asia travel startup ecosystem, as well as the trends, issues and opportunities within the online travel market. For global travel brands, it will be an opportunity to learn about an exciting growth region as well as form relationships and build partnerships for the future.


For travel players based in Japan and North Asia, it will be an opportunity to take lessons from the rest of the world and build relationships for global outreach.


In 2024, WiT Japan & North Asia compromised two days of sessions aimed at empowering startups and nurturing the startup ecosystem, serving as a platform for thought leaders to share insights and lessons and unearth opportunities for the future.

Stay tuned for more information on WiT Japan & North Asia 2025, happening May 26 & 27.

WiT Japan & North Asia は、2005年にシンガポールで始まった Web in Travel (WiT) カンファレンスの日本版です。




国内外のOTA(オンライントラベルエージェント)、旅行会社、 宿泊(ホテル、旅館、民泊など)、航空、レンタカー、タクシー、鉄道など幅広い旅行・観光関連分野における主要企業、ベンチャー企業のトップリーダー達をスピーカーやパネリストに迎え、日本・北アジアと世界の他の地域との橋渡しとなり、そして世界最大の旅行市場の一つである日本・北アジアにおける最新の革新とトレンド、旅行に関するテクノロジー、流通、マーケティングの最新のイノベーションやトレンドを発掘し共有しています。


その目的は、日本・北アジアの スタートアップ企業の活気と多様性を紹介するとともに、オンライン旅行市場のトレンドだけではなく、それに関する課題や可能性も紹介することです。






WiT Japan & North Asia 2024 は、スタートアップを力強く支援し、彼らをさらに育成することを目指した2日間のセッションから構成され、業界のリーダーたちがアイデアと学びを共有し、将来のチャンスを見つけ出すプラットフォームとしての役割を果たします。


WiT is a community for anyone passionate about travel technology, distribution and marketing. This basically means if you love travel, and if you are a bit of a technology freak in terms of wanting to understand how technology is changing travel and travellers, you are one of us.


We provide news through our website and social platforms, and run events that are strong in content and different in style and delivery. We launched our first event in 2005 and have been spreading learning through events in Singapore and Asia, including Malaysia, Seoul and Tokyo, and the Middle East and Africa. As part of the Phocuswright family, and Northstar Travel Group, we also have taken our events to Europe and the US.


Our purpose is to take your mind to new places so that together, we can accelerate travel innovation to delight travellers and support local communities.


WiT is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Northstar Travel Group, the leading B2B information and marketing solutions company serving all segments of the travel industry including leisure/ retail, corporate/ business travel, business and sports, meetings, incentives and travel technology.

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